The consideration to undergo breastal plastic surgery is often to improve self esteem and the reasons may vary from dis-satisfaction with size or shape (due to genetics) or volume loss after breast feeding or weight loss. These days, women have many choices and this may seem overwhelming at first. How large should the breast implant be? Should the implant be silicone or saline? Textured or smooth? Should it be placed under the muscle or on top of the muscle? Where should the incision be made and how long does it need to be? But is the visual outcome and the possible improvement in self-esteem worth the risk of complications such as asymmetry, breast pain, breast tissue atrophy, capsular contracture, delayed wound healing, rupture/deflation, inflammation, breast and nipple changes, calcification and calcium deposits, ptosis and chest wall deformity?
Part A: Ashley Baxter
ReplyDeleteThere are several reasons for and against breast enlargement or reduction in plastic surgery, both moral and physical. I believe thats the against reasons easily outweigh the for, with reasons including the risks of the surgery, moral reasons and financial probablems.
First I will list the medical reasons that plastic surgery clinics usually miss out
1. After the operation permanant scarring cwill, most likely, be left. Especially with smokers poor healing and/or wider scars may occur and are quite common
2. Many problems can also occur in the nipples area and breast-feeding in future may be impossible, as during the procedure most of the milk ducts are removed. Usually in the end they are unevenly placed.
3. Skin grafting will usually have to take place after these operations and may leave scars after being placed.
Aside from these medical reasons, and there are many more, reasons against this surgery are moral as well. Considering the fianancial problems on plastic surgery, usually very high prices, many problems about obtaining the money can occur due to the low self-esteem felt by women in this pysical aspect. Almost all the time women have this operation because of their self-esteem, but while this procedure may make them feel better it may not do the same for other people, thus making them even more depressed. Another feeling of low self-esteem may actually be felt by the women themself, as they may have been forced into the operation by another and make them feel unworthy.
In conclusion I feel, while breast reduction/enlargement in plastic surgery can be required in some cases in most it should not occur, due to the many reasons I have already stated
Some surgeons belive that silicone implant give a "more natrual look" because silicone gel has a closer density to the real thing.
ReplyDelete(Part A)
ReplyDeleteBreast enlargement or augmentation mammoplasty is usualy done to woman who either thinks that their breasts are either too small or to big or if the woman is recovering from surgery from breast cancer after having either one or both of their breasts removed (a procedure known as a “mastectomy”).
In breast enlargement surgery, implants are used to increase the size of the breasts. The two main types of implants are saline and silicone. silicon implants have recently been put back on the market after being taken off by the FDA
(to be continued)
Part B
ReplyDeleteI agree with Ashley’s comments that decision to go for a breast implantation should be carefully made keeping in mind its various implications. Additional side effects to those listed by Mr Jamieson are malposition/displacement, redness/bruising, extrusion, unsatisfactory size/style, wrinkling/rippling, Necrosis, Granuloma and Hematoma. Conditions called capsular contracture (when the scar tissue tightens around the implant) and rupture or deflation of the implant are the frequently encountered in both silicon and saline breast implants.
Some of the key factors to be considered before a breast implant are:
1.It won’t last a lifetime.
2.It may have to be removed due to complications.
3.It may become a big financial burden as you might need frequent visits to the doctor.
4.Some of the changes may not be reversible.
5.Removal of implants may cause undesired cosmetic changes.
Breast Implants - Potential Local Complications and Reoperations (2004), viewed on 25 May 2009,
ReplyDeleteI agree with what Ashley (May 24, 2009 4:12pm) and Fizza (May 25, 2009 5:08am). I think you should not get breast reduction/enlargement surgery unless absolutely necessary. Some side effects of breast reduction are
• Loss of sensation
• Scaring
• Breast Asymmetry (breasts aren’t symmetrical)
Some side effects of breast enlargement are
• Swelling
• Bruising
• Infection
• Scars
• Itching
• Pain control
• Settling (they might not look right)
I think all the possible side effects outweigh the benefits of Breast reduction/enlargement. This is why you shouldn’t get breast reduction/enlargement.
Lachlan Kingston (May 24, 2009 4:12 PM) briefly mentioned that silicone implants give a more natural look than saline implants. Use of silicone versus saline implants has always been a controversial issue.
ReplyDeleteBoth silicone and saline implants have a silicon rubber shell. In silicone implants it is filled with silicone gel while in saline implants it is inflated with sterile saline.
Saline implants can be adjusted even after the operation in terms of volume of saline while most silicone gel-filled implants are not adjustable. Another advantage of saline implants is that they deflate almost immediately on rupture making them easy to detect. However, when silicone implants rupture the gel might slowly seep into the surrounding areas of the breast with no visual symptoms. It’s much harder to replace a silicone implant and they have a higher rate of capsular contracture and deflation.
In conclusion I think if it is an absolute must to have a breast implant, a saline implant is a safer option.
Silicone vs. saline implants (2009) Viewed on 28 May 2009, http://www.smartbreastaugmentation.com/implants.html
Part B
ReplyDeleteFizza on her blog at May 28, 2009 3:15AM states that silicone is more risky than the safer option of saline. Reasearch shows that is true. Silicone is the traditional option and as Lachlan has said,it has "a more natural look" and that has been the opinion of many women and also many surgeons alike but silicone has been proved to cause infections and problems. In conclusion, I still think that saline would be the way to go
ReplyDeletePart B – I agree with Eva Priesler’s comment, but she forgot to mention a few dangers and what the other dangers did. Here they are
Bleeding – Bleeding is pretty common, but it can make things very hard. If the blood clots too much, then the victim could get a condition called Hematoma. The skin goes purple or blue.
Necrosis - Necrosis is when the Hematoma stays there for too long and cuts of the oxygen supply, killing some tissues.
Scarring – Scarring is one of the most common dangers of having breast surgery so surgeons like to cut in a place where the scarring won’t be so noticeable.
Reacting badly towards Anaesthesia – This danger is very rare. Symptoms like nausea and a sore throat are common(sort of)
Nerve damage – Nerve damage can result in the victim having paralysis or weakness in the unfortunate place(read the topic).
(Part A)
ReplyDeleteContinued from May 24, 2009 4:16 PM
Despite there being over 123 deaths associated with breast implants across the world and over 190,000 problems associated with them, women are still choosing this procedure done. Some of the dangers include asymmetry, breast pain, breast tissue atrophy, capsular contracture, delayed wound healing, rupture/deflation, inflammation, breast and nipple changes, calcification and calcium deposits, ptosis and chest wall deformity. The most common reasons women are choosing to have breast implants are women who have had mastectomies or breasts which are too large or too small, because it improves their self esteem.
The number of women who are taking this surgery suggests that women still think that the risk is worth taking. While it is reasonable that people who have had breast cancer to get implants. If they are doing it for cosmetic reasons they must think that it will make them nicer and more attractive to men. Some might think it will help them get or keep a boyfriend. It is very common for woman in the media and is becoming very normal for those in front of the cameras.