Diabetes is a disease that affects the pancreas. There are two main types of diabetes and you need to differentiate between them. Some doctors and dieticians argue that the disease can be avoided all together with a healthy diet and lifestyle. You must research this idea and formulate an argument for or against it.
Part A
ReplyDeleteDiabetes is a condition of your body when it isn’t able to regulate the glucose levels in your blood. Glucose is a sugar, and in order for it to enter our body cells and supply energy, the hormone insulin is needed, which is produced in the pancreas. That’s why people who have Diabetes either lack of or don’t respond to the insulin made by the body.
There are two types of Diabetes: Diabetes type 1 and Diabetes Type 2. In Diabetes Type 1, the pancreas wouldn’t be producing any more insulin, and people would have little or no insulin in their blood at all…contd.
Part A: continued
ReplyDelete...This is why people with Diabetes Type 1 need to be able to control and balance their diet, as not to take in too many sugars.
Diabetes Type 2, though, is when your body DOES produce enough insulin, but your body just doesn’t respond to it. Overweight children are usually affected by Diabetes Type 2. This is because the extra fat in the body makes it way harder for the cells to respond to the insulin hormone, but also because the body’s ability to respond to insulin is reduced when a person is inactive. The Australian Government Department of Health and Ageing states that “Many cases of Type 2 diabetes could be prevented or delayed through simple lifestyle changes... These risks include excess weight, poor diet, inactivity, smoking and too much alcohol.” (2009).
So Diabetes Type 2 can be avoided. All you have to do is have a balanced and healthy diet, in addition to regular exercise to keep you fit. Diabetes Type 1 on the other hand though can’t be prevented yet. Still, once you have it, it is really important to watch your diet for sugar intake, and to keep healthy.
ReplyDeleteI agree with Anabel that type 2 diabetes can be prevented with a healthy diet and lifestyle. Type 1 diabetes is caused by different factors and a healthy diet or lifestyle does not prevent people from developing it.
Although the exact cause of type 1 diabetes is unknown, it is thought that some kind of viral infection or other environmental factor plays a role. They trigger the immune system to attack the insulin-producing cells or beta cells of the pancreas. The disease occurs in people who already carry the gene for developing type 1 diabetes. (1)
It is interesting to know that symptoms of type 1 diabetes are weight loss even though the patient is still hungry and thirsty because the pancreas is not making insulin that controls glucose migrating into the cells. It is unlikely that the person would be overweight when they present with the disease. (2)
The condition can successfully be managed with insulin, diet and exercise.
Part A (had issues in computer lab today, was going to be posted at 11:35 a.m. 20th May)
ReplyDeleteDiabetes can be avoided by eating the right foods.
When you have diabetes, your pancreas which produces the hormone insulin, does not produce any or not a sufficient amount. Insulin converts glucose so it can reach the body cells and provide energy. Instead of the glucose being converted into energy it stays in the blood which is dangerous for the body.
There are two types of diabetes: Type 1 and Type 2. Type 1 is when the pancreas stops producing insulin which converts glucose into energy for the body cells, and uses body fats as a substitute. If you have Type 1 diabetes, you have to inject yourself with insulin so you can convert glucose four times a day, and monitor your blood glucose levels frequently.
Type 2 is when the pancreas makes some, but not enough insulin for your body. The risk is increased greatly if you are overweight or have high blood pressure.
Doctors and dieticians are saying that if you have enough exercise and eat healthy foods, and eat fast foods less frequently, stop smoking and a lot of alcohol you will avoid getting diabetes.
Diabetes cannot be avoided by eating the correct foods, because of the genetic factors. If your parents or grandparents have diabetes, the chance of getting diabetes increases. But if you are overweight and your blood pressure is high, then the chance of getting diabetes would be dangerously high.
Part A
ReplyDeleteIt is highly recommended for the people with diabetes to have a healthy diet.
Eat foods which have:
• Fibre and Carbohydrates
• Wholegrain breads
• Cereals
• Vegetables
• Fruits
It is very important that you limit your fat intake and the type of fat you eat. By eating foods which has too much fat can lead you to weight gain. It can also cause you to high blood fat level and with diabetes they have a higher risk of getting heart disease, so it is a very good idea to have less saturated fat. What we mean by food high in saturated fat includes meat fat, full fat dairy foods, cream, solid cooking fats such as butter, lard, copha and ghee, oils such as palm and coconut, and some of the products which contain others fats are fried foods, cakes and biscuits.
People think that if somebody has diabetes they have to cook a separate meal or to buy different foods from the others. But it is not like that you will not be eating any different food to anybody else.
However besides just eating healthy foods you also have to be activity as much as possible during the day. You should at least spend 30 minutes of using an average account of energy during the day.
People who follow healthy plan diet can use a small account of sugar in their meals, but it can only be eaten in nutritious foods such as breakfast, cereals, and low fat products. Avoid eating sweets and drinking soft drinks. You can also use artificial sweeteners in stand of sugar which will help you to reduce your energy and control your weight.
http://www.betterhealth.vic.gov.au/bhcv2/bhcArticles.nsf/page /Diabetes_and_healthy_eating?OpenDocument
ReplyDeleteDiabetes can be avoided by eating the right foods
There are two types of diabetes, type 1 and type 2. Type 2 is a more severe diabetes, unfortunaly both types are easy get but there are way to prevent this from happening.
The Australian dietary guidelines are important for all because it can help prevent diabetes to follow. They can be summarised as follows:
It is essential to limit the amount of salt and refined sugar in if you don’t want diabetes. Even sugar substitutes that contain an alcohol need to be limited and avoided. Certain other carbohydrates also need to be limited.
Ways to avoid diabetes
· Eating a wide variety of foods
· Eating lots of breads- cereals- vegetables and fruit
· Only eat moderate amounts of sugars and foods containing added sugars
· Children must eat appropriate food and be involved in physical activity to grow and develop normally- Growth of a child should be checked regularly
· Diets are not suitable for young children under the age of five years. For older children- a diet low fat diet- in particular saturated fat- is appropriate
· Encourage water as a drink as it keeps them dehydrated and has not artificial colours of flavours. Alcohol is not recommended for children.
· Foods with low salt amounts
· Have foods which contain calcium
· Have foods containing iron
Foods which may help the prevention of diabetes
Dairy- researchers noticed that over 10 years, middle-aged women were less likely to be diagnosed with type 2diabetes if they ate dairy products frequently.
Cinnamon- In several studies from recent years, cinnamon has been shown to improve glucose levels and lower cholesterol, both critical health factors for people with diabetes.
Vegetables and juices- to reduce the risk of getting diabetes eat whole fruits, not juiced and include plenty of green leafy vegetables in your meals and diet.
ReplyDeleteI agree with what both Sarah (May 20, 2009 2:04 am) and Anabel (May 19, 2009 11:11 pm) have said. It is possible to prevent type 2 Diabetes with the help of a healthy lifestyle. However you can not prevent type 1 diabetes. This is because it is genetic and having a healthy lifestyle can only help it, not prevent it. In conclusion it is not possible to prevent diabetes. There are two types of diabetes, one can be prevented the other can not.
Part B
ReplyDeleteEva - above - states that type 2 diabetes is able to be prevented/helped and I completely agree. Type 1 diabetes though as Eva said is "genetic" but it can be helped with exercise, a healthy diet and taking a large amount of daily medication including insulin and large amounts of aspirin. Unfortunately, for the serious cases of type A diabetes, injectable medicines are also required daily.
(Part B)
ReplyDeleteI agree with Apeksha (May 20, 2009 11:56 PM) that to avoid diabetes you have to eat a balanced diet of:
•Fiber and Carbohydrates
•Wholegrain breads
As well as eating this food you should also eat food with a low glycemic index.
These things help keep an even fat level and keep you healthy, though this will only work for type 2 diabetes because type 1 is a genetic disease. I also agree that 30 minutes of Exercise daily is also essential to reducing the risk of diabetes. You exercise to get rid of the excess energy that your body can turn into fat which can lead to diabetes, and that you need to cut down on fatty foods like candy and chocolate.
Diabetes is a disease that affects how the body uses glucose.
ReplyDeleteAnyone can get type 1 diabetes at any age. It is more typical to get type 1 between birth and late 30s. With type 1 the pancreas produces tiny bundles of insulin or by any chance nothing at all. Most people with TYPE 1 have to pump insulin into their bodies two times daily to make up what the body can’t achieve. It is unknown how much insulin the body needs at particular times of the day, which puts stress on the doctors to get this correct. For that reason the diabetic’s blood sugar is either too high or too low. Type 1 can’t be prevented. Doctors can’t tell who will get it and who won’t.
In type 1, a person’s immune system attacks the pancreas and destroys the cells that make insulin called beta cells. No one knows why this happens. Scientists think that it has something to do with genes. But type 1 isn’t contagious
The symptoms for type 1 are: thirsty and hungry over a long period of time, having to urinate more often than usual, losing big numbers of weight without trying to, blurry vision and extreme tiredness over long periods of time.
Type 2 diabetes is different. You can prevent type 2 diabetes. It is the most common form of diabetes. The pancreas still makes insulin but the body doesn’t respond to it in the right way. This problem is usually connected to older age, obesity, a history of diabetes in the family and lack of exercise. Mainly overweight adults develop type 2. Since Children have been getting more over weight diabetes has become common in kids as well.
The symptoms are: extreme tiredness, unusually hungry or thirsty, losing weight suddenly, urinating more often, blurry vision or no symptoms at all.
According to kidshealth.org the main prevention from type 2 is getting to a healthy weight, making healthy food choices and getting plenty of exercise.
Can a healthy lifestyle prevent type 2 diabetes? It can help, however family history is a very strong force so therefore if it is a genetic trait, keeping these other causes under control is vitally important.