Obesity is becoming a major problem around the world. 25% of children in Australia today are overweight or obese. If current trends continue, 80% of the entire Australian population will be overweight or obese in the next 10 years. Obesity leads to the onset of several major health issues. Some doctors and dieticians promote quick-fix options, such as surgery, to overcome this problem. You must formulate an argument for or against surgery as a cure to obesity.
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ReplyDeletePART A.
ReplyDeleteI believe that while surgery can give a boost, it’s more up to how you live your life, and there are more than a few risks. There are a few surgical techniques to help obesity, but a few of these are dangerous.
Gastric stapling;
- A small pouch is formed in the top of the stomach, this allows only a small amount of food to be eaten, and brings a sense of fullness earlier.
But if more food is eaten in the next hour or two a bloated feeling will be felt, and maybe vomiting.
Bowel bypass;
- This reduces the length of the small intestine, allowing less food to be absorbed.
But it produces diarrhoea, nausea, abdominal cramps, wind and sometime mineral definiciencies.
Jaw wiring;
- The jaws are kept immobile with screws and wires, foods have to be pureed and consumed slowly.
Stomach Balloon;
- Inflating a balloon inside the stomach to offer a feeling of fullness.
But the weight loss is poor, and there is risk of stomach ulcers or bowel blockage.
There are many risks to surgery, and while it may help short term it may be better to loose weight the old fashioned way.
Part A: Ashley Baxter
ReplyDeleteAgain I am referencing to Savannah's comment posted earlier on weight loss, and again I am referencing to what she failed to mention, in this case it being why, medically, there are risks in these types of surgery.
I will first give a brief over view on several types of surgically losing weight.
Jaw Wiring - The jaws of the body forced into a immobile state forcing food to be eaten slower than usual and only some types are allowed. Does not affect body majorly, aside from the fact that problems may occur in mouth when wires are removed
Gastric Stapling (Gastric Band Surgery) - Small area is formed in the stomach, near the sphincter which forces the intake of food to be reduced and gives the feeling of fullness earlier. Vomiting may occur when the wrong intake of food is ingested.
Stomach Balloon - Inserting an inflated 'balloon' inside the stomach to gives an early feeling of fullness, similar to that of Gastric Stapling. Usually though there is minimal weight loss and bowel blockage can occur.
These surgical weight loss treatments are not the only ones but they are the most common. I have give the risk they carry but aside from those facts there are more reasons not to have surgical treatment, just for weight loss. One of the moral reasons is that these weight loss treatments are sometimes the surgery that people need to survive, but now seeing as these treatments have become more popular, the waiting lists are becoming longer and sometimes people can die. Considering everything that can go wrong, it is important to take into account all the risk and accept that too many risks could take place. And also as Savannah states 'it may help short term it may be better to loose weight the old fashioned way'. LIPOSUCTION.
Taking into account all I have stated I confirm that surgical treatment for curing obesity is not the answer to weight loss.
Ashley Baxter
ReplyDeleteum mr Jaimeson could you please ignore the liposuction joke sorry
Part B
ReplyDeleteI am referencing to Ashley Baxter's comment because although she refered to liposuction as a joke it is a common operation through out the world but is also very dangerous as you can be 'over suctioned' as the more fat there is removed the higher the surgical risks. If you want this operation the best way to minimize the risks is to be as fit as possible.
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ReplyDeletePART A
ReplyDeleteIf you wish to lose weight by getting surgery then there are several operations you can have
• Laparoscopic Gastric banding – this is where the surgeons use small holes in the abdomen to conduct the surgery. They insert a small band which is “similar to a wrist watch” that is fastened around the stomach to create a small pouch. This means that limited food is allowed into the stomach.
• Gastric bypass – there are two types of gastric bypassing. Roux-en-y and Extensive Gastric bypass. These include again creating a small pouch in the stomach and then attach a small section of the small intestine to the pouch to bypass parts of the digestive system.
These are not good for you because:
• Gastric banding- this means that you get fuller quicker because you eat less food. This is bad because if you are used to eating lots of food and then you dramatically decrease the amount of food you eat, you will not get enough nutrients and enough energy for your body. This means you lose weight but you may also get very sick.
• Gastric bypass- this is where you eat less food and bypass parts of the digestive system. This is bad because you don’t fully break down the food and don’t get all the nutrients from it. Some people who receive this operation do not get enough nutrients and become sick
Other side effects of surgery include:
• Nausea
• Vomiting
• Gallstones
• Often have to have follow up surgery to correct complications
• Some cases have to eat special food for the rest of their life
People should not get this kind of surgery unless you are seriously overweight and are unable to lose weight any other way.
ReplyDeleteI believe that more people should be considered suitable for an operation to reduce obesity.
In Australia today, the surgical treatment of obesity is rapidly growing. Laparoscopic adjustable gastric banding, or LAGB, is the procedure of choice in more than 90% of patients. (1)
1. LAGB is safer. Mean short-term mortality rate 0.05%. (2)
2. The gastric band is placed laparoscopically and it is minimally invasive. It can be safely performed as a day-patient procedure.
3. It works by making the patient feel full even when they have eaten none or very little food. Therefore their total food intake is reduced.
4. LAGB is adjustable and is easily and completely reversible. No other surgical option provides this important flexibility.
The commonest operative problems with LAGB are prolapse of the stomach through the band and erosion of the band into the stomach but these are becoming less frequent as more of these operations are being performed e.g. erosion has become a rare event (0.4%).
O’Brien (2008) has commented that ‘LAGB has been able to achieve loss of more than 50% of excess weight.’ Weight loss has a major impact on health and quality of life. The operation resolves many of the diseases associated with obesity including: type 2 diabetes, hypertension, high lipid levels, asthma, depression and obstructive sleep apnoea. On the plus side, it increases the patient’s quality of life.
Currently, LAGB is only considered for seriously obese patients who have identifiable medical, physical or psychosocial problems associated with their obesity. They must also have made prolonged efforts to relive these problems by non-surgical means.
After the surgery, all patients require a multidisciplinary long-term follow-up care program to obtain optimal benefits. (1)
LAGB is safe, minimally invasive, reversible and effective and should be considered as an option for more obese people.
Part B
ReplyDeleteI think that surgery can be used for obesity problems, but I do not think it should be used as a method. I say this because anyone that is obese has got themselves into that terrible state. They should get fit independently, without the help of medical technology.
But if you opted to use surgery, the best option would be like Sarah (May 25, 2009 4:22 AM) mentioned LAGB (Laparoscopic adjustable gastric banding). Some of the advantages are that there is minimal scarring and wound problems, the device is easily adjusted and it is completely reversible.
I agree with everything above but I would to add on to what Eva (may 24, 2009 4:01pm) other different names of the same surgery that she has said are Lap band surgery also know as the Laparoscopic Gastric banding. Another type of surgery is Vertical Banding Gastroplasty (VBG)) this is where the doctors staple a pouch in the stomach to create les room in the stomach. the last one that Eva hasn’t mentioned and that is the Malabsorptive Weight Loss Surgery. This makes you loss obesity because the doctors plant this divce into the body that makes you body absorb less calories.
Part B
ReplyDeleteIn response to Aadarsh’s comment posted May 28 at 4:30 Am, he states “anyone that is obese has got themselves into that terrible state. They should get fit independently, without the help of medical technology.” Although the majority of obese people are overweight as a result of overeating or little exercise, some people have a medical condition, causing them to be overweight. Some conditions are Hypothyroidism, Cushing’s syndrome and depression.
Hypothyroidism is when the thyroid gland (located in the neck) doesn’t produce enough thyroid hormone. This hormone regulates the metabolism. Not getting enough thyroid hormone will slow the metabolism, resulting in weight gain.
Cushing’s syndrome is caused by the adrenal glands (located on the top of each kidney) producing too much cortisol. This leads to fat building up in characteristic areas such as the face, upper back and the abdomen.
Depression is also a cause of obesity as people with depression often overeat causing obesity.
Obesity is not always their fault and surgery is the only way to go.